Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crunch Time

It's hard to believe, but forty-eight hours from now I will be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean heading towards Madrid. Despite the ample time I've had to plan and organize, I feel like I am nowhere near prepared for leaving the country. 

Nostalgia has definitely set in over the past few days. I'm just now realizing all of the things I'm going to be missing over the next year. I won't be able to watch NFL games on Sundays, smell the aroma of Carolina crops being harvested, or see the leaves change to their brilliant shades of autumn. I won't be sitting around a dinner table with family for Thanksgiving. I won't be decorating the Christmas tree with Mom, waking up Christmas morning with my parents and St. Bernard, Jake, or seeing my family during the holidays. I won't be attending several of my close friends' weddings, or seeing the birth of Liam Wyatt Lambert in January. I won't be watching the Superbowl. I won't see UNCG's campus bloom in the springtime, and I won't be going to any Greensboro Grasshopper games on Thirsty Thursdays. 

While there are a few things I won't be able to do abroad, I can't imagine what awaits me in Spain! I'm anxious to experience the culture, see the sights, and be engulfed in the Spanish language. I can't wait to meet new people, try new things, and travel Spain and Europe. This is going to be an amazing year!

My flight is scheduled to leave from Raleigh at 2:30p on Monday, September 20th. Then, after a layover in Washington, D.C., we will be heading towards Madrid at approximately 5:30p. We are scheduled to arrive in Madrid at 7:30a on Tuesday morning, and then the adventure begins! 

Fate has played many roles in the preparation of this trip. I was fortunate enough to meet a fellow teacher, Devon, in Raleigh while at the Secretary of State's office. Undoubtedly I would be lost without her! We've been able to bounce ideas off of each other and figure out a few fine details of the first week or so in Spain. We will see how it all pans out! 

Time for some shut-eye tonight. The next post will most likely be from Spanish soil! Saludos!


  1. Steph!
    I'm so excited to read about your adventures abroad! I'll be thinking of you getting ready for your flight tomorrow, I live literally like 5 minutes from RDU! I can't imagine all the fun you're going to have.
    Rach (S. haha)

  2. We will be thinking and praying for you as you travel and during your stay. Yes, we will miss you at holiday get togethers but we know and understand you venturing out. This is an opportunity for you to enjoy yourself, learn, and experience. Take Care, draw strength in knowing family and friends love you and take comfort in that. Love Gary, Myra, Big and Little Sexy!

  3. Steph,

    We'll be thinking of you and missing you each day!! Hope your flight goes well and can't wait to hear about all your adventures. Capture each moment, be safe, but have lots of fun too! You'll be in our thoughts and prayers each day!
    We love you sooooooooooooo much!!!!

    Aunt Gwen and Grandmommy
